Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DIY : Key Decoration

hye :D

well, this is the first time i wrote about DIY.

i was getting into a new room in university, so i decided to decorate things
in my room. one of it is my room key.

this is the key look after decorated.
this is my version, u can decorate things depends on your creativity, 
how u want it to be.

what u will need are :

- a key
- sequin
- nail colour

thats all i used :) 

1. colour your key with nail colour. u are free to use any colour you want. apply it slightly onto the key. leave it to dry and coat it again with nail colour to get nice and brighter colour. u need to be patient with this. dont coat too thick at the same time. make it layer by layer.

2. the last coat, when it still wet, place your sequin on the key depends on your creativity. u can place pearl or beads. like i said, your key look depends on how creative you are ;)

well, thats all for today :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

senarai alat tulis

walaupun sekolah da lame da start,
tapi tak salah untuk aku yang baru nak mula sem baru ni untuk listkan
senarai alat tulis yang mungkin boleh bantu korang
untuk ready sebelum mula sekolah menengah, atau matrik, atau universiti :)

so, here, aku asingkan yang mana satu alat tulis yang basic dan yang optional ( kalau takde pun takpe )

start with smile

ok, this is what u gonna need (basic) :

beg ( size depends on your book )
bekas pensel / kotak pensel ( pencil case )
pen hitam, biru, merah
pensel kayu ( 2B )
pensel mekanikal
lead pensel mekanikal ( ubat pensel / nip )
pengorek pensel ( sharperner )
buku nota
gam dan gunting
geometry set ( depends on your course / aliran MP )
A4 paper dan test pad ( kertas kajang )

this is optional :

kalau takde yang ni pun takpe :)

fail / binder ( supaya kertas dan assignment teratur )
buku rujukan ( boleh pinjam library )
colour pencil / colour pen
sticky notes
paper clip

ape2 pun, beli yang penting dulu :) i hope this helps you a lot :D