Friday, February 1, 2013


memandangkan keputusan SPM da nak kuar,

so i wish i can help some of the students who really confused whether to choose to be in matriculation or
foundation or in diploma studies.

berdirinye saye di sini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman
setelah berjaya menyambung pelajaran dalam kursus
degree in computer science ( software engineering ) in UTHM =D

for those UTHMian who read this entry : HI! thanks for coming..hee  :)

okey, adik-adik yang confuse tu,

when i'm at ur age, i'm having a nightmare because i got a lot of tawaran..
but i decided to go to matriculation.


bile difikir2kan balik, tak de apenye yang korang perlu takut kat matrik ni.

ramai org cakap, matrik tu susah, kalau kau tak blaja betul2 habislah kau.
da la mcm budak skolah, nak kuar jalan2 pun sabtu ahad je.
pastu yang pempuan plak kene pakai baju kurung hari2.
uish tak bestnye..baik kw amik diploma. life in university.
less rules you know compared to matriculation,, ewwww...

lemme tell you something.
i live in matriculation happily.
i do stress because i have to study a lot. but u know what? there's always a teacher with you.
tak macam kat university. nak jumpe lecturer tak smudah di matrikulasi.
plus, u all need to struggle for only ONE year! then u can take degree :D
at 19 years old. whoAAA :D
isn't that cool??? ha XD

in matriculation, my class starts at 8 a.m and ends at 5 p.m.
sometimes at 4 p.m.
also in matriculation i took module 1 which includes physics, biology, mathematics and chemistry.
mase sem 1, subjek bio ade la dalam 10 bab.
subjek physics dalam belas2.
subjek math dalam 10.
n subjek kimia dalam 8. haa.. tak ingat la,
tapi roughly, dalam 40 bab (--,) hee

but dont worry, if u study very well, then, sure u can excel very well to :)

dulu, i am fond of GMI ( german-malaysian institute ).
i always wants to be there after my SPM.
and i got the tawaran :)
bsame dgn course yang mmg aku naaakkkk sangaaaattttt.

then i think, and think, and think!!
matrik ke GMI woi,, urghhhhh, tension tension!!

but then, i remember something.
aku bukn anak org kaya yang boleh tanggung study aku kat GMI.
so, i need PTPTN to support me.
kalau aku trime tawaran ni, aku akan berhutang slame 3 tahun untuk DIPLOMA studies.
then for sure aku akan sambung degree, DAN berhutang lagi.
diploma yang aku amik tu 3 tahun. degree aku nanti 3 tahun lagi.


kalau aku pilih matrikulasi, aku blajar cume setahun je.
pastu tiap2 semester aku dapat elaun lagi.
after one year, aku da boleh amik DEGREE.
see, brape banyak aku berjimat di matrik?

lepas tu, ada tak mane2 budak diploma yang nak bagitau aku diploma tu senang??

takde bende yang mudah kalau kite tak berusaha :)
do very well in your study. bukak sikit mate, bukak sikit minda!

jangan mudah percaye kate org, lagi2 yang tak pernah pun duduk kat matrik tu.

oh, btw, i dont know about asasi, try to ask other people :) but i think its quite similar
to matriculation :)

sekian sahaja untuk kali ni :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. really, you guys who got the offer from matric were so lucky! It's like just A YEAR and you just take the degree after that! I was like crap because i didn't get any offer from matric nor ipta (deserve me right because my result wasn't good -.-' ). Then i got offered from KLMU and blahhhh- it's all about COST right? So I let it go.

    I agree with you, it's all about TIME and COST.

    If I take the offer from KLMU i will waste my time there about 3 years to finish my dip.

    So I glad I chose Form 6. It's just a year and half and In sha Allah I will take my degree a year early compare to dip graduate!

    Btw darling, good luck in anything you will do, be better and wiser, and glad to know that you made the right way! Muchlove! :)

    p/s i removed the comment above because the auto type is so darnn, so there were some typo, my bad -.-'

    1. haha thank you didi darling for ur response :) haha, btw..good luck for your STPM result ;)

  3. hi, kak. nak tanya. since akak dulu module 1, pegi uthm ambik software engineering okay tak? memang diorang ajar dari A-Z? sebab kita student module 1 juga. 😅

    1. i mean.. ajar nak guna buat semua programming tu. takpe ke kalau takda basic langsung?
